Meghalaya is also known as the Scotland of the East!…..It shares national boundary with Assam in the north and east direction & shares international boundary with Bangladesh in the west and south direction.
As per 2011 census, the population of Meghalaya is 29,64,007. Majority of population in Meghalaya is covered by the tribes such as Khasi, Garo & Jaintia. Khasi population is largest among all tribes in this region.
The elevation ranges from 150 metres to 1,961 metres in Meghalaya. Meghalaya has high highland plateaus. Furthermore, it is rich in geological characteristics. Khasi hills has the highest elevation followed by Jaintia hills. Garo hills is almost in the plateau region.
Meghalaya is the wettest place on earth. The temperature is generally lower in the Khasi hills and higher in the Garo hills throughout year.
Around 80% are engaged in agriculture. Paddy is dominant in the region followed by maize and wheat. But, despite majority of the population is engaged in agriculture, the production is low and its contribution to the GDP is not significant.
Due to unavailability of infrastructures, this has not been possible to utilize the rich base of natural resources of Meghalaya. The state has significant hydro-electric potential too, but inadequate infrastructure has been a hindrance.