Leads-NE Advisory Board

Dr. (Prof.) Akhouri Pramod Krishna
Professor, Department of Remote Sensing
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi – 835215
Dr.(Prof) Krishna has more than 35 years of research experience and 16 years teaching experience. He has been engaged in research investigations pertaining to different aspects of earth system science such as Climate Change, Snow Cover & Glacier Dynamics, Disaster Management & Natural Hazards, Natural Resources & Environmental Management, Geosciences & Satellite Geodesy, Planetary Remote Sensing, Urban Built Environment & Transport Geoinformatics. Number of research products in the form of research articles, book chapters, conference articles, and books have been published by him in international and national journals. Moreover, he held various administrative positions in past.

Dr. (Prof.) Bijay Singh Mipun
Professor, Department of Geography
North-Eastern Hill University, Umshing, Mawkynroh, Shillong – 793022
Dr.(Prof) Mipun has more than 40 years of research experience and has more than 34 years teaching experience. He has been engaged in research investigations pertaining to agricultural geography, aerial photo & satellite image interpretation, geographic information system, and cartographic techniques. Number of research products in the form of research articles, book chapters, conference articles, and books have been published by him in national & international journals and publications. Moreover, he held various administrative positions in past with various capacities.

Dr. K.K. Sharma
Scientist/Engineer – SG at
North Eastern Space Applications Centre,
Umiam (Near Shillong), Meghalaya.
Dr. Sarma has completed his masters in Botany from Gauhati University and PhD from Dibrugarh University on Biosystematics while working at Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Jorhat.
Dr. Sarma joined NESAC in the year 2002 and started his career in the field of remote sensing and Geographic Information System applications. Dr. Sarma has learned the Geospatial Technology while working and develop his expertise in the field of Natural Resource Management, forest & ecosystem management, disaster management support using space technology.
During last 18 years, Dr. Sarma has completed more than 30 important space technology application projects relevant to the NER including RS&GIS based Forest Working Plan inputs for NER, Land Use Land Cover mapping for NER, Wasteland Change Analysis, Site suitability study for medicinal and aromatic plants, wild life habitat study, North East Regional Disaster Risk Reduction, etc.
Dr. Sarma has published more than 40 research papers in both national and international journals in addition to several symposia papers and scientific reports in his credit.